Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day

I hope everyone has their green on today!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rain, Rain

Anybody besides me tired of the rain? It doesn't help that my yard is one big dirt pile, so everytime Louie ventures outside he brings a fresh trail of RED MUD into the house. I think the broom is becoming permanately attached to my hand. Ok, so you all know me better than that, but I have had to sweep. :)

But the whole rain/mud got me to thinking. Do you have any "playing in the rain" memories from childhood? I remember once it had rained and rained and I was at the Columbus Riding Club. They turned us kids loose. We played in the mud until all you could see were our eyes. I mean we were rolling in the mud, running and playing, pushing each other down. If I remember correctly I was hosed off before I was even allowed to ride home in the back of the truck (back in the day when you could still ride in the back of trucks). It is one of those memories I will never forget and gets better (and probably more exaggerated) with time.

Kinda makes me want to go out and roll in some mud holes with Louie.


Monday, March 9, 2009

How 'bout my Baby Brother

Ok, so everyone has been on me because I didn't keep this thing updated during the house building. And now that we have a finished product - and by the way it is finished.....wooo hooo, I'm in trouble because I haven't put pictures up, but hey it has been a crazy process. I've been in the house 3 weeks and I'm just starting to think I might actually live!!!!

But today we have more important things to consider. Did everyone see the article about my little brother in the paper last week???? Ok so it wasn't all about him, but he was in there. It's got quotes and everything. So next time you get a chance check out the Commercial Dispatch website and search for Reed Long.

And be sure and ask Reed for his autograph the next time you see him. :)~

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I decided I better do an update, even though I don't have any pictures. So much has happened this week. If you can drive by and take a look you should. They have the house completely framed and wrapped. There's alot more to that whole process than I thought, but it all seems to have gone off without a hitch. We are waiting on the trusses now which form the roof.

I had to decide on brick/motor, windows, 2 of the exterior doors, door hardware and shingles all in about 48 hours. I think we have found the key to actually getting me to make a decision. Limit my choices and give me a specific time frame to decide. My framer and roofer both did that to me this week and I actually made some decisions by myself. As opposed to me normally making a decision, which involves everyone I know (and sometimes people I don't) and days of agonizing.

Anyway, that's where were at right now. Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon. You will really be suprised how great it looks.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Introducing Brody Parker Eaves.

I left my heart at the hospital with this little fellow. I got to hold him for about 15 minutes, before I felt guilty enough to give anyone else a chance. He is perfect. If I even start about how perfect, I'll never stop. I am so happy that he is here, safe and sound, and that Mom and Dad are doing well! Have a great 4th.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I know, I know.....I have completely fallen down on my job. I have had a slab poured for over a week now and no pictures. I have several excuses for my lapse, but I won't bore you with that, let's get to the good stuff.
First, Brody Parker Eaves should be making his appearance in the world today. For those of you who don't know Matt (Eaves) is one of "my kids". I started babysitting Matt when he was only a few weeks old. Which just seems like yesterday, by the way. And today he will become a Daddy. Matt's wife Sarah went into the hospital last night and they were scheduled to induce at 6 am this morning. I can't wait to hold that baby, just the way I did his Daddy. Ok, enough or I'm gonna start crying.
Secondly, I do have a slab, but things have been pretty much at a stand still since then. You know the typical house building stuff, hurry up and wait. I did have a wonderful time last Friday afternoon looking at brick. Granted it didn't start out wonderful, I was completely overwhelmed and just wanted to use inny, minny, miney, mo as my selection process. But thanks to Debbie, Carey, John James and Stephanie I hung in there and made some headway. I have it narrowed down to 3 different brick/mortar combinations. I got siding samples last night so I hope to be able to take those and finalize the brick/siding decision.
Anyhoo, here are the pictures.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Let there be dirt!!!!

The plumbers did their thing last Friday (the 13th) but we only had good luck!!!!!

This will be my sunporch!!!!!!!!!

Interior footings. Almost ready to pour the slab.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Weekend Happenings

Well, Ashley and I are safely back from a weekend trip to Atlanta. And I think Atlanta should be recovering soon from our visit. Someone asked if we shopped til we dropped and I told them we shopped til I dropped. Ashely could have covered much more ground. I keep telling her she will understand one day when she is old like me!!!!
Anyhoo...we went to Scott Antique Market at the Atlanta Expo Center and it was fabulous. I think Ashley had her doubts but once we got there she said it was "the real deal". Of course most of it was out of my price range and just to elegent for my humble abode, but it was still incredible. I did pick two chairs, which I will be posting pictures of soon. They are soooo cute.
Progress on the house continues. The plumbers got their rough in done Friday and the foundation guy was there when I left this morning preparing for the slab to be poured.
On a more serious note, my good friend Bonnie starts chemo treatments today. I ask that anyone who reads this will send up a prayer for her. I know she and her family would appreciate it. Thanks.
Have a great Monday!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


There was alot of activity yesterday around the old home place. I think about 18 loads of dirt of delivered, but don't quote me on that - you know how I get confused. All the dirt got spread and packed. And the water meter finally got installed. Yeah!!!!! I met with my plumber this morning and ironed out some details. He plans on doing his part tomorrow. Hopefully by this time next week there will be a completed slab. Stay Tuned.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


After posting that last comment, I looked at my blog for the first time this morning. Did you see the verse of the day? Talk about a personal word from the Lord (fellow Sunday Schoolers will know what I'm talking about). I'm going to chill out now and try to let my mind "be still".