Within a 24 hour period I had two people tell me I need to join the 21st century (my sweet brother and even sweeter friend Stephanie - and, yes, I use the term "sweet" loosely). However I have taken their advice to heart. I now have a blog spot. Do I know what a blog spot is? No, not really, but from the outside it appeared to be more appropriate for me (being the old lady that I am) than My Space or Facebook. The My Space and Facebook scene all seemed a little young and hip for me, the one who still uses a camera that actually takes film and doesn't require memory sticks, or whatever you call them. Come to think of it, I also got called on that recently, I was questioned by a co-worker who wondered why in the world I would use such a camera.
So I guess that is where we get to the root of it. I don't like change. I like to eat at the same resturants, do the same things, hang out with the same people. I barely understand text messaging and definately haven't picked up on the whole slang/short hand that people use. I mean, CU L8R, come on, the first time somene "said" that to me I thought they were just a really bad typer.
But for someone so resistant to change, there happens to be alot of it going on. I have been at my new job for about 8 months now. Being the new kid on the block took some getting used to. I'm building a house, only a few weeks in to it, but it's coming along. And now, lo and behold, I'm an official resident of the 21st century - I have a blog. So here we go, I guess I'm inviting you to come along on my adventure.
P.S. No, no that's not me in the picture, it's my neice (officially the cutest child in the whole world). Don't you think she looks just like her aunt?